Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mr. Mimic

Ty is learning SO many words! He loves to talk. He'll give neighbors a cheery "Hi!" while on a walk in his stroller. He really enjoys talking on the phone, his, "He-low" (with the emphasis on the "low" is very cheerful and then he'll launch into other words that HE knows but that I haven't quite figured out yet. He is a flirt with people while shopping, as long as Mama, Dada or some other familiar figure is close by. Though a flirt, if a new friend wants to hold him he may not go to them as he likes to flirt, but keep his distance.

The other day while Carynn, Jamie, Ty were over for dinner (Melinda poppped by too.) Ty was sitting happily in his high chair when Carynn said, in relation to what topic I don't remember, "Mom" with the "aw" sound drawn out so that Mom seemed like a two syllable word instead of one and Ty pops right up with "Mom" (saying it multiple times with the exact same inflection Carynn used). I can see that we may have to guard our tongues more carefully, because Ty is so quick with repeating (or trying to repeat) what he hears.

Tah Tah for now-

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