Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The "eyes" have it!

It has been a very busy Spring. Though I would say (and I think the weather person would agree) that we've only had two days yet with Springlike weather!

It's been wonderful to have my mother here. We've always talked often, but we haven't always been able to share the same place, BE in the same place very often. So it has been a blessing to have her here. My mom's health isn't always the best, so I'm thankful for the time we have.

Mom's been enjoying her visits with Ty. She has commented more than once, how alert he is. It's true, he's very aware. Those bright blue eyes of his see so much. I think he has great peripheral vision. His hearing also seems very sharp.

That brings another thought to mind...If Ty had the ability to communicate in a way that I could understand (because I know he communicates) I wonder what he'd say about what he's observing around him? I HOPE it would be things like:
When I smile it's my way of saying I love you.
Nana, I can tell by the smile in your eyes, in your voice and on your face that you love me too.
When I laugh it's because I'm so delighted with what's going on around me.
When I reach out to touch your hand, or grab your finger it's a way I connect you to me.

There's so much a child sees. How do our children see us? I know I have this vision in my head of the person I hope they're seeing, but that may not be reality. I hope beyond it all, they'll see that they are loved., that they'll know that they're loved.That is the best gift that my parents gave me

Today I'm driving my mom back to her home so I'll be gone a few days.

Don't forget to smile with your eyes too!


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