Friday, November 14, 2008

Clap on Blankey Boy

We just got back from our trip to Utah. I was excited to see Ty so I stopped by yesterday while out running errands. He had just gotten up from his nap. He quickly demonstrated some of his talents. These included: Clapping and laughing, giving kisses, and waving bye bye. He's been doing all of these things for a while, but not with the consistency that he is now.

Carynn mentioned that he's really good at putting away his toys. I witnessed that when they came over for dinner and Ty very carefully put his toys away. Good job Ty Michael!

Carynn also thinks he's teething. We'll have to see. He's up to 6 teeth now.

Ty's also turned into a blankey boy. We've always held up things to his cheek and said, "soft, soft," and he likes to do that with his blanket and snuggle with it. I like snuggling with him.



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