Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Ty Report-100% Adorable!

As promised I am returning to report on Ty's doctor appointment. Carynn called me Friday afternoon as I was getting ready to go to the airport for my weekend getaway (I was traveling to CA to participate in my friend Terry's 50th birthday celebration.) with the news from his doctor's visit. Ty's current vital statistics are weight-12pounds 7 ounces and in the 25th percentile. His height/length is 25 1/4 inches and he's in the 75th percentile for that. I shared with Carynn that no wonder he is such a voracious eater, he's growing by leaps and bounds! Oh, by the way, I consider him to be in the 100th percentile for adorable! The doctor also confirmed that Ty's doing extremely well in the headlifting department. He's a strong baby.

He had four shots-two in each leg and his OPV. The nurse said she's never seen a baby actually suck the OPV out of the dropper before! Over the weekend, Ty didn't have any adverse reactions to the shots, so that's one less thing to worry about as well. No more shots until his next appointment.

I had my grandma's brag book with me on the trip so I shared Ty's pictures with anyone who showed even a vague interest. Yes, I'm going to be one of those grandmothers! I'll see Ty today and share the gifts that my friends from CA sent for him.

Tootles! (Now where did that come from?)


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